We can all agree that there is nothing worse than when your hair gets tangled up, and you spend minutes and minutes untangling it. And the way it hurts – ouch!
It is always useful to know how to deal with hair problems, for example – how to get knots out of hair that is matted?
So, if you had a problem like this recently and want to be prepared for when it happens next time, keep reading this article, and we will provide you with a possible solution and some other interesting facts about your hair.
3 Possible Ways

If you have been having trouble with knots in your hair, there are three possible ways in which you can deal with this delicate problem:
- With the help of some products
- Combing
- Preventing it from happening
Let’s start with the first one – using some products:
The first thing you have to do is grab a conditioner, but if your hair is severely matted, then you might need to grab a deep conditioner and have a try.
This will give extra moisture to your hair and help it untangle. There are also other options you can try, such as: coconut oil, olive oil, or even Morrocan argan.
You should first wet your hair properly and apply the chosen product. After you have spread it evenly on the places that have been mated, wait for 30 minutes maximum.
It would be best if you rubbed it in good because otherwise – it will have no effect.
After the time has passed, you can try untangling it with your fingers. If you applied the products properly – there should be no problem in getting rid of this.
You have probably heard some people apply mayonnaise – for more information, check out this article!
Next, you can try combing your way out:
In this case, you should use a wide-tooth comb because this is made for untangling hair.
When doing this, you should be careful – comb the first layer slowly.
If you have short hair – this won’t take long. But if you have long and thick hair matted, then this will probably last for an hour or so. Remember – patience is key!
This is probably hurting you, so to prevent pain, try holding your hair at the ends, but be careful not to rip it.
After you are done combing- try using some conditioner or oil for repair purposes.
Professionals recommend using oil-based serums or moisturizing conditioners and applying them to the nape of your neck. This will undoubtedly separate the tangled parts.
If you are left with those thin knots, try using some scissors and run the bottom blade along the tangled part. Although this is not highly recommended, you must do it if necessary.
Finish this process with a fine-tooth comb or brush. Practice this until all the severe knots and tangles are entirely straight. Take a shower and rinse your hair.
You can also prevent this from happening, but the question is, how?
Be responsible enough to use a leave-in conditioner from the start. This will considerably minimize fraying and frizzing.
Another thing you can do is brush your hair when it’s damped and not soaked. Many people make a mistake by brushing it while it’s soaked. You should never do this. Your hair is most delicate when it’s soaked, and that is when the biggest knots will appear.
Many people don’t usually do this, but professionals and hairdressers recommend loosely braiding your hair before going to sleep. This is undoubtedly not on your list, but it will help you a lot. Hair can get all tangled up during sleep time, and this is an excellent way of preventing you from waking up with knots in your hair.
People often go to bed with a pony-tail – never do this! Pulling your hair back and tying it up that tight will cause hair loss and breakage, and who wants that?
One more thing – if you have afro-style hair, it would help if you separated the tangled parts before washing your hair. You can use hair clips to keep them apart. For this type of hair, you should use sodium and sulfate-free shampoo for better care.
What About Doll Hair?
It’s not just your hair that can get all tangled up. Your kid’s doll hair can have this same problem. Although this is a bit different, as a parent, you should learn how to solve this.
And here are the solutions: using fabric softener, baby shampoo, or avoiding pitfalls.
The first two solutions are somewhat similar. You will need a bowl, your baby shampoo or fabric softener, and a towel.
All you have to do is carefully wash the doll’s hair in the bowl in which you poured water and the substance of your choice.
After that, dry the doll’s hair with a towel.
You can avoid doing this by not over-styling your doll’s hair and simply braiding it.
Related Read: Should I Blowdry My Hair Before Braiding?
Why Is My Hair Like This?
If you have been wondering why your hair is matted, there are three main reasons for this:
1. You Are Not Protecting Your Hair At Night Appropriately
Protecting your hair at night does not only mean securing it for the next day. It also has to do with health reasons. As we already mentioned, you should loosely braid your hair before sleeping, but there is one other thing you can do, and that is sleeping on a satin pillowcase or in a satin bonnet. This is an absolute game-changer.
Here is a video that proves it!
2. You Have Been Wearing Protective Styles For Too Long
Even though protective styles are great and healthy for you, you shouldn’t wear them for too long. This should only be worn when your hair is freshly washed and moisturized. It is recommended that this should remain on your hair for 4-6 weeks maximum.
3. You Are Not Detangling Your Hair Properly
Your hair can get even more tangled up if you don’t detangle it properly at first. When you start detangling the knots in your hair, you should have patience and pay attention to what you are doing.
Read Also: Why Does My Hair Feel Waxy? Learn How To Fix This Problem
Healthy Food = Healthy Hair

You can use high-quality products all you want, but if you do not have proper nourishment, there chances of your hair staying healthy during the winter are not that high.
For this reason, here are eight foods you mustn’t avoid:
- Eggs – one thing’s certain, and that is that eggs are the number one source of protein and therefore excellent for your hair. Include cooked or fried eggs at least three times during a week.
- Berries – who doesn’t love berries? They are both healthy and contain vitamin C that your hair needs.
- Spinach – this is a very healthy green vegetable that contains vitamins A and C. Consuming them, your hair will be moisturized and scalp healthy.
- Sweet potatoes – this is an excellent source of beta-carotene, but what does it do? This helps your hair grow faster.
- Avocadoes – one medium avocado is rich with vitamins C and E. This helps both your skin and hair – double effect!
- Nuts – almost every professional and hairdresser will recommend including nuts in your daily nourishment. This is extremely healthy for your hair, and it also prevents heart diseases.
- Shrimp – if you didn’t know, any type of fish is good for hair growth, and shrimp is an exclusive choice – so try not to miss it.
- Meat – meat has a hugely positive effect on your hair. This food is rich in all the necessary hair health – vitamins A, C, E, biotin, iron, and proteins.
How to Get Knots Out Of Hair That Is Matted – Conclusion
If you have been having trouble with knots in your hair, there are three possible ways in which you can deal with this delicate problem: with the help of some products, by combing, and by preventing it from happening.
The first thing you have to do is grab a conditioner, but if your hair is severely matted, then you might need to grab a deep conditioner and have a try. You must rub it in good, because otherwise – it will have no effect.
If you opt for combing, make sure to use a wide-tooth comb. If you have short hair – this won’t take long. But if you have long and thick hair matted, then this will probably last for an hour or so. Remember – patience is key!
Another thing you can do is brush your hair when it’s damped and not soaked. Many people make a mistake by brushing it while it’s soaked. You should never do this. Your hair is most delicate when it’s soaked, and that is when the biggest knots will appear.
Remember, it’s not just your hair that can get tangled up – doll hair can end up with knots just as bad as yours. But no worries – there are three ways in which you can fix this. All you need to do is wash the doll’s hair in baby shampoo or fabric softener.
There are three main reasons why your hair is matted: you are not protecting your hair at night appropriately, you have been wearing protective styles for too long, or you are not detangling your hair properly.
However, including all sorts of products in your hair is not enough. You must have proper nutrition. And this means eating a lot of fruits and vegetables. If you want your hair to stay healthy during the entire year, you must include eggs, shrimp, sweet potatoes, berries, and meat in your nutrition.
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