Have you been bothered by your waxy hair lately, and you feel like there’s nothing you can do about it?
The chances are that you’re not the only one with this problem. Waxy hair is actually a pretty common issue for many women.
But this statement is merely scratching the surface. The question of “why does my hair feel waxy” has at least three possible answers – and they’re all individual.
Don’t worry, though: We’ll be listing down the possible causes for waxy hair and what you can do to fix it.
Stay tuned!

What Causes Waxy Hair?
We’ll start by mentioning the possible causes of waxy hair.
Before we list all of them down, you should know that they can be health-related – but they can also come from the products you’ve been consciously using.
Some people feel that their hair’s waxy after washing it, and others report that it’s waxy even after they blow-dry it.
With that said, we will separate the causes accordingly – in two groups.
Waxy Hair After Washing
Seborrheic dermatitis – also called eczema of the scalp – is a common skin condition that causes scaly patches, redness, and even dandruff. It can affect any part of your body – neck, back of the head, eyelids, chest, etc.
These are all considered to be the oily parts of the skin – and therefore, cause waxy hair.
Although this type of eczema is most common in infants, any age group could develop it.
As far as treatment is concerned, it varies. For some, this eczema can go away after a week, while some have to take pills and go through several shampoo bottles.
Hormone imbalance is another potential cause. If you’ve recently been on intense therapy involving hormones, there’s a possibility that this has affected parts of your body.
For some, this can cause itchy skin. It can also result in oily and waxy hair. No matter which shampoo you use, your hair will still appear waxy after you wash it.
But just to be clear – hormone imbalance does not have to be the only reason for waxy hair. Other health issues can cause this side effect.
That’s why you shouldn’t skip doctor’s appointments!
A change in environment is another reason for waxy hair after washing; it doesn’t have to be strictly related to your health. Sometimes, a sudden change in the environment can cause this, as well.
For example, if you’ve lived in an area where the temperature is always high and moved to a humid area recently, your hair can take the blow.
Climate change can do this to you.
Product build-up might be to blame, too. Many of you are likely using quite a few different products to style your hair.
And right off the bat, we can confirm that this is not good for you:
Overwhelming your hair with unnecessary products can cause it to appear waxy and lead to long-term consequences.
Waxy Hair After Drying
Improper rinsing is the number one reason. It might sound unbelievable, but a considerable number of women still don’t know how to rinse their hair properly.
During washing, you use all these shampoos and hair masks to make it silky. And yet, if you don’t rinse well, you end up with a completely different result:
Your hair becomes waxy even after you have blow-dried it.
Bleach is another offender. You’ve probably noticed that women with blonde hair use much more hair products than others – and that’s because they use much more bleach.
Bleach can damage your hair, especially if you dye it more frequently. Your hair can become greasy after three bleaching sessions, and the lighter the shade, the more visible it will be in daylight.
Heat styling – yes, using curling or straightening irons could be that bad for your hair. Heat styling has more than one side effect, and one of them is waxy hair.
Namely, overwhelming your hair with such high temperatures more than once a week could even lead to hair loss.
The biggest mistake you can make after you dry your hair is to turn on your curling iron.

Ways Of Fixing Waxy Hair
Now that you know what can be the source of waxy hair, let’s look at possible solutions.
Considering Your Hair Type
The best-case scenario would be to avoid this chaos totally – and this is possible by simply inquiring and learning about your hair type. Some have dry, some oily, and some sensitive hair.
Don’t do anything on your own, but take the time to talk to your hairdresser about your hair type – they certainly know best.
Washing Your Hair Less Frequently
Many women who have problems with waxy hair opt for more frequent washing.
That is not the way to take care of the problem. On the contrary, you should wash your hair less often – the more products and water you apply to it, the waxier it will be each time you dry it.
Check Out Also: How To Wash Toner Out Of Hair?
Taking Care Of Your Diet
Since hormone imbalance and other health issues were also reasons for waxy hair, you can solve this by correcting your diet.
You can do this without going to the nutritionist: Eliminate fast food, high-calorie foods, and dairy products. And instead, add plenty of fruits, vegetables and, most importantly – stay hydrated!
Seeking Advice From A Professional
Some of you will get rid of waxy hair very quickly – while this problem won’t just go away that fast for others.
If you’re in the second group – you’ve tried everything and feel like there’s no way out – there is only one thing you can do:
Seek professional advice.
You can contact your hairdresser – and if they can’t help you, try to reach out to your doctor. For some, mild treatments don’t work, and this hair-related issue has a much deeper health background.

More Hair Care Tips You Should Know
Taking care of your hair is much more than washing it regularly – and women who ignore hair are much more prone to problems.
So, let’s recall a few general hair care tips – in case you need to up your hair care routine.
Chemical Free Shampoos
Unfortunately, many women rush and do not look at the composition of shampoos and other hair products before buying them.
Why is this bad?
Because there are currently many hair product brands flooded with chemicals that dry out your hair – and some are even so strong that they lead to hair loss.
Next time you go to the store, take a moment to look at the composition of your clarifying shampoo or conditioner. It’ll be worth it.
Drying Your Hair Naturally
It may not be the greatest idea when it’s freezing outside, but many hair professionals will advise you to dry your hair naturally rather than blow-drying it and straightening it with an iron.
Letting your hair dry on its own takes away lots of pressure and heat-induced damage, and it promotes faster growth and porosity.
Style Your Hair Naturally
We’ve all had a day when we spent over four hours watching hair and makeup tutorials on YouTube.
And thanks to those people trying out new things, you now have a chance to learn lots of hair tricks that’ll help you in your daily life. One of them is styling your hair naturally.
You don’t always need straightening and curling irons to make curls – you can do so with a towel, for example.
Here’s a quick overnight routine anyone can do!
Using Wide-Tooth Combs
We assume that you have a handful of hairbrushes in your kit – some of which you don’t use at all, and you just haven’t thrown them away yet.
It’s time to make a selection – which ones go and which ones stay.
Wide-tooth combs should stay because they’re much healthier for your hair. These brushes are specially made and intended for use after washing, ensuring that you don’t break your hair or cause hair loss.
As you read this and looked at your brushes, you must’ve noticed a clump of hair on some of them. That right there is the problem.
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Final Thoughts
It’s been a lot – but we managed to go over everything that needed to be said.
In short, waxy hair is a widespread problem in women of every age group. Some might feel that their hair is a bit waxy after washing, while others feel it even after drying their hair.
The causes are numerous – eczema, poor diet, frequent washing, environmental changes, and the use of unsuitable hair products.
Luckily, there are ways you can fix this: Rarely washing, drying, and styling your hair naturally helps a lot. Moreover, you should pay attention to the composition of your shampoos.
If taking care of your hair is one of your priorities, then pay attention to how often you wash it, what brushes you use, and, most importantly – be gentle when handling your hair!