“Why does my leg hair grow so fast?” is almost every woman’s daily thought and struggle.
It hasn’t been nearly three days since you shaved your legs the last time, and now you have to do it all over again.
We’re sensing you’re not too happy about this, and we’re probably right.
Women are constantly searching for ways to slow down hair growth and help keep their legs smooth for as long as possible.
The truth is, although certain methods may help slow down the hair growth a bit, it all comes back to the growth cycle – and maybe a few more side factors.
Stay tuned because we’re getting to the bottom of the whole why leg hair grows so fast thing – and we’ll see if there’s anything you can do about it, too!

The Growth Cycle
Although you were expecting a more straightforward explanation, you need to hear the truth:
The speed at which the hair on your legs grows is a part of the growth cycle.
Now, the growth cycle is something that’s part of your body – and part of human nature – but many people still don’t know some basic information about it.
For starters, the explanation you’re going to read below will surely help you understand hair, in general, a little better.
First thing’s first, though:
It all depends on the person. The growth cycle is entirely individual.
The Stages Explained
The four stages of hair growth are:
- Anagen
- Catagen
- Telogen
- Exogen
Let’s go through each one briefly.
Anagen – or the growing stage – is the first one. The duration of hair growth generally depends on the part of the body we are talking about here.
While the growth of hair on your head takes quite a long time, leg and arm hair grow at a much faster rate – as we’re sure you’ve noticed.
The second phase is catagen or the transition phase. During this period, your hair follicles shrink, and their growth is put on a short break.
Telogen is the third one, and it’s also called the resting phase. That is because, during this phase, your hairs are calm for a while. But for too long:
During telogen, new hairs start to form in your follicles.
Lastly, we have the exogen stage. That is the period during which part of your hair falls out – yes, it’s true – but at the same time, new strands form. That’s why it’s called the shedding stage.
How Does This Circle Back To Your Leg Hair?
Again, these phases may be the general rule regarding how your hair grows, but the cases are individual. Each person’s organism functions differently and at a different rate.
For some of you reading this, hair growth represents a significant issue, and you likely find yourself having to shave your legs every other day.
Others don’t seem to share this problem and can go a week wearing summer shorts and not having to shave.
The bottom line is – either you’re lucky, or you’ll have to find an alternative that will help you stay away from razors for a couple of extra days.

Shaving Your Legs The Wrong Way
The growth cycle may be part of something we can’t change, but there’s one more thing…
Shaving the wrong way.
Oh yes – there’s a right and wrong way of shaving your legs. It’s surprising that women still haven’t inquired enough about this topic, so let’s get it out there.
Rule #1 – shave in the opposite direction of hair growth!
Many girls and women still shave their legs in the direction the hair grows before they storm out the door. That’s a huge mistake right there – and it can cost you.
We can’t stress the consequences of shaving your legs the wrong way enough.
That goes out to all the girls out there whose hair is already growing fast enough. Why make matters even worse?
Don’t rush it, and take care of your legs.
But not just that:
The chances are that you didn’t even get them all. You must have missed a few hairs – and that’s never a good look.
Other Mistakes You’re Making
Shaving your legs the wrong way is perhaps the most common mistake women make – but it’s certainly not the only one.
Here are a couple of other shaving mistakes that you might’ve been making unconsciously. If you find yourself doing at least one of these – try to correct them. We’re saying this for your own good.
For one, dry shaving not only accelerates growth but harms the skin on your legs, too. You should never – ever – dry shave your legs. That’s just irresponsible.
For shaving, you need to use suitable shaving cream to ensure that your legs are smooth afterward. Also, give up soap as an alternative; strong chemicals found in most soaps could cause redness that spreads quickly and takes a lot of time to disappear.
Next, don’t grab your razor as soon as you jump into the tub. Someone’s skin is much more sensitive, and immediately shaving it will cause inflammation and redness.
Another thing – the theory of night and day shaving seems to be true:
Studies have shown that nighttime shaving is much better for you. Consequently, shaving your legs before going to bed is much better, and your legs will be much, much smoother the next day.

How Often Should You Shave Your Legs?
It all comes down to one question:
How often should you shave your legs?
There are no official rules on how often you should shave your legs. Everyone’s lives are different, and the same goes for leg shaving. It’s not a crime if you shave your legs daily, and it’s also okay if you don’t shave them for five days straight.
It’s entirely up to you.
Some people have thick hair that grows back fast – while others have light hair that’s barely visible on their legs.
But remember one thing: If shaving your legs is a daily activity, you should be mindful and use the right products.
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Changing Your Razor: Daily, Weekly, Or Monthly?
Another critical thing within this process would be the frequency of changing your razor. And again, this also depends on how often you shave.
But more importantly, it depends on the razor you are using, too.
Disposable razors should not be used more than once – as intended. The reason why we’re pointing this out is that we know that some will still decide to use one-time razors that likely
won’t be able to shave half of your leg hairs off the second time around.
Don’t do it; you’ll just make the process take longer than it needs to and create wounds on your legs.
With that said, most women change their razors every week.

Tricks To Slow Down Hair Growth: Do They Work?
Finally, the part you’ve been waiting for – how to slow down hair growth?
Although there’s no product you can buy and solve the problem, you could still take these baby steps.
Our first advice would be to exfoliate, exfoliate – and exfoliate some more!
Once you’re done with shaving, wiping your legs with a towel is, by no means, the solution – you need to exfoliate your legs and let them breathe for a couple of minutes first.
That can help you a lot with slowing down hair growth. Regular exfoliating allows your skin to breathe, promotes circulation, and opens your pores.
Also, people have argued that shaving under a warm jet of water can slow down the growth of your hair. Some have found it successful – and some still think it’s just a myth. Try and see for yourself.
Aftercare usually has the most significant impact – how you take care of your legs will have long-lasting effects.
All in all, even these tips are individual. You know your body best.

Wrapping Up
It’s time to wrap things up. Why does my leg hair grow so fast?
That depends on the type of hair. Some of you have thicker – while others have lighter hair. But it boils down to one thing – the growth circle. The rate of growth depends on the rate at which this cycle develops in your case.
Then there’s shaving in the wrong direction. You should shave your legs in the opposite direction of hair growth – otherwise, there will be more consequences than advantages.
There are even a couple of ways you can slow down the rapid growth of leg hair. Some people recommend shaving under a jet of warm water, and others use exfoliation cream since it promotes regular circulation and opens up your pores.
Oh, and remember: There aren’t rules on how often you should shave your legs; it generally depends on your preferences. Just make sure to use the right products and exfoliate!