You’ve certainly seen people around you and friends making weird grimaces with their faces. They move their lips, ears, and even their eyes.
However, playing with an eyebrow is still one of the most common facial expressions, and if you haven’t managed to do so by now, you’ve probably wondered – how to raise one eyebrow?
If you are interested in whether there is a manual for something like this and what other talents you have that you may not even know, be sure to continue reading.
A Guideline Exists
If you ever thought that you would never be able to do this on your own, think again. Lucky for you, there is a basic guideline for learning how to raise one eyebrow. And not just in one way, but two.
So, choose your option and start practicing.
The First Option – Using Your Hands:
Firstly, you should take a good look and choose your more dominant eyebrow. Stand in front of the mirror and try to raise them. When you decide which one goes easier, that is the one.
Take the dominant eyebrow, push it upwards, and hold it with your hand. If the other one reflexively raises, hold it down with the other hand.
Do this in turns for 2-5 minutes.
Now, take the dominant eyebrow, hold it up with one hand, and use the other to push the other eyebrow down. Do this for 2-5 minutes also.
The Second Option – Using Your Mirror:
You don’t necessarily have to practice raising your eyebrows with your hands. You can practice in front of your mirror as well.
Stand in front of your mirror and start raising both eyebrows to see which one is more dominant, just like you did with the hands.
With this option, you are going to practice raising and lowering both eyebrows at the same time. Spend about 3 minutes doing this in front of your mirror.
Now, focus on doing that with just one eyebrow. Yes, this can be pretty tricky without hands. But you can do it – practice this for about 2-5 minutes in front of the mirror and carefully observe your movements. You should pay attention to the muscles you are activating while doing this.
While lifting one, lower the other.
No matter what method you opt for, if you want to master this little trick, our advice is to practice every day for 10 minutes. After some time, you will get the hang of it for sure.
Just be patient!
Other Rare Talents

Have you ever done something that others around you just couldn’t no matter how hard they tried. Does this mean that you have special talents?
Here are some moves which might seem random to you but impossible for others.
- Licking your elbow – surely you have seen failed attempts of people online trying to lick their elbows and looking silly. Many people actually can’t do this, but it also depends on your body’s flexibility.
- Wiggling ears – has your friend ever just lifted their hair and started wiggling their ears? This is nothing that can’t be practiced and mastered by smiling and clenching your teeth.
- Touching nose with tongue – this one is actually an inherited talent, and our advice is not to force it if you see you can’t do it.
- Raising only the ring finger – although you can raise any other finger, this one is impossible, and not many people can do this.
- Moving hands and feet in the opposite direction – you have probably tried to do this with your friends in school, and while some of you got the hang of it after some time, others just gave up. Don’t worry. You can learn this. You just need a lot of patience.
- Sneezing with eyes open – we have heard of people who sleep with their eyes open, but sneezing? Impossible. Although closing your eyes while sneezing is a reflexive move, scientists have seen some cases which broke this habit.
Can Eyebrows Say How We Feel?
We all know that some facial expressions are connected to the way we feel. In this case, we will be focusing on what your eyebrows can say about you that words sometimes can’t.
Emotion | Eyebrow movement |
Anxiety | eyebrows are slightly pushed together |
Fear | riased eyebrows |
Anger | eyebrows pulled down in the middle |
Happiness | slightly raised eyebrows |
Desire | slightly raised eyebrows |
Interest | slightly raised eyebrows |
Surprise | eyebrows raised high |
Relief | eyebrows tilted towards |
Shame | eyebrows held low |
Pity | eyebrows pulled down together |
According to one study in 2005, scientists have discovered that genes and eyebrows have a tight connection. We inherit the shape and color of our eyebrows from parents. They also note that the way we take care of and tweeze them affects their growth.
Some even think that eyebrows are as equally important as eyes.
Take Care of Your Brows
Now that we have seen that eyebrows play a very important role, we should also learn how to take care for them properly.
Here are seven ways in which you should care for your eyebrows and keep them on fleek.
- Always go to a professional – doing your own eyebrows isn’t always a good idea. If you have the time and money, go to a professional and let him do your eyebrows the right way.
- Choose threading instead of waxing – you have seen a lot of salons, and people, in general, opt for waxing their eyebrows. Please don’t do this to them. Wax can seriously mess up the shape of your eyebrows and injure your eyes.
- Buy yourself a good pair of tweezers – investing in quality products is never wrong, especially when it comes to eyebrows. They shape your face, so save up some money and buy good tweezers to work with.
- Not too thin and not too bold – it is important that you should be somewhere in the middle when it comes to the shape of your eyebrows – try not making them too thin that they barely exist and don’t make them too bushy; it just won’t look good.
- Brushing your eyebrows is important – you should have a tiny tooth-comb to brush your eyebrows from time to time – this will keep them growing in the right direction.
- Fill them in if you need to – if your eyebrows are not that thick, you should fill them in with a pencil eyeliner or a shade that matches their color.
- Highlight them – this can be considered a little makeup trick. Use a little highlighter and put it in the down corner of your eyebrow to make them stand out.
Did You Know?

To keep you interested, here are a couple of interesting facts you might not have known about your eyebrows!
They protect our eyes from moisture and sweat.
Eyebrows have a lifespan of four months, and they grow the slowest.
There are about 250 hairs in one eyebrow, and these are the plucked ones.
Eyebrows will grow faster in the summer than in the winter because of the weather and activity.
Stress can affect our eyebrows’ growth – so if you want them thick, you have got to relax.
Brow gel didn’t come into existence until the ’80s.
Eyebrows were once seen as a sign of intelligence. Many figures who had bushy eyebrows in the past were known for their intelligence.
We don’t know if you ever noticed, but the famous Mona Lisa doesn’t have eyebrows. It is speculated that this was done on purpose by the artist.
How To Raise One Eyebrow – Conclusion
You’ve certainly seen people around you and friends making weird grimaces with their faces, and you have tried some of them as well. But, have you learned how to raise one eyebrow?
Yes, this can be learned indeed. And there are two ways in which you can practice this. The first one is with the help of your hand. Firstly, you should take a good look and choose your more dominant eyebrow. Stand in front of the mirror and try to raise them. When you decide which one goes easier, that is the one. Take the dominant eyebrow, push it upwards, and hold it with your hand. If the other one reflexively raises, hold it down with the other hand. Do this in turns for 2-5 minutes.
The other one is with the help of a mirror. With this option, you are going to practice raising and lowering both eyebrows at the same time. Spend about 3 minutes doing this in front of your mirror. Now, focus on doing that with just one eyebrow. Yes, this can be pretty tricky without hands. But you can do it – practice this for about 2-5 minutes in front of the mirror and carefully observe your movements.
You can also see if you have any of the following talents: licking your elbow, moving your hand and leg in the opposite direction, raising only your ring finger, sneezing with eyes open, etc.
Eyebrows are often indicators of emotions like fear, anxiety, happiness, and surprise.
We should learn to take good care of our eyebrows by going to the professional and investing in high-quality tweezers, for example.
If you haven’t known by now, eyebrows are the slowest growing hair, they have a lifespan, and there are about 250 hairs in just one plucked eyebrow.